”Thomas Carnacki is a ghost finder, an Edwardian psychic detective, investigating a wide range of terrifying hauntings presented in the nine stories in this complete collection of his adventures. Encountering such spine-chilling phenomena as ’The Whistling Room’, the life-threatening dangers of the phantom steed in ’The Horse of the Invisible’ and the demons from the outside world in ’The Hog’, Carnacki is constantly challenged by spiritual forces beyond our knowledge. To complicate matters, he encounters human skullduggery also. Armed with a camera, his Electric Pentacle and various ancient tomes on magic, Carnacki faces the various dangers his supernatural investigations present with great courage.These exciting and frightening stories have long been out of print. Now readers can thrill to them again in this new Wordsworth series.”
Kunto K3 (K5=Uusi, K4=Erinomainen, K3=hyvä, K2=tyydyttävä, K1=huono);
Saatavilla 1 kpl;
Painovuosi 2006;
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