”’Architecture is a product of a hundred circumstances’, writes professor Furneaux Jordan at the opening of this stimulating, wide-ranging survey. It is the product of religion and politics, art and technology, geology and climate, and countless other factors. The architect, moreover, must always place his creative imagination at the service of practical purposes; he cannot withdraw into an ivory tover. Beginning with ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome, the author shows how buildings, both in form and structure, have always expressed the qualities and aspirations of the cultures from which they sprang. The masterpieces of the Middle Ages – Byzantine, Romanesque and Gothic – were ecclesiastical, embodying a deeply religious outlook on life. From the Renaissance onwards, architecture began increasingly to answer secular demands, with the building of great palaces and mansions and the advent, in time, of town-planning schemes. During the 19th century (on which the author is a specialist), the rapid spread of industrialism, together with far-reaching social changes, launched the first phase of modern architecture. And it was the great Victorian engineers – working in iron, steel and glass – who pointed the way to the future. Their railway stations, bridges and warehouses were to lead eventually to the international style which still flourishes in buildings under construction today. Art and technology have ultimately united to make architecture part of a world culture. The author’s lucid analysis of architectural styles, as they have developed down the centuries, is fully illustrated by photographs and by specially prepared diagrams.”
Kunto K3 (K5=Uusi, K4=Erinomainen, K3=hyvä, K2=tyydyttävä, K1=huono);
Saatavilla 1 kpl;
Painovuosi 1975;
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