”Professor Suna Kili is a faculty member at Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey. After graduating from the American College for Girls (Robert College), she received her B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in Political Science and International Relations from Bryn Mawr College, USA. She also did graduate work at the University of California-Berkeley, and post-doctoral studies at the London School of Economics and Political Science, and at Columbia and Princeton Universities. Some of the awards she has received include: The Turkish Language Society’s “Academic Language Award” and the Türkiye İş Bankası “Great Award in Political Science,” both in 1981. In addition to being selected as a member of the Argentine History Society in 1986, she received the Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Award in 1992; the “Fulbright Research Award” for the year 1992-1993; the “Woman of the Enlightenment Award” in 1998; the “Atatürk Principles and Reforms Award” from Istanbul University in 2001; “The Contemporary Education Foundation Award” in 2001; the “Atatürkist Thought Communications Award” from “The Center for the Propagation of Atatürkist Thought” in Germany in 2002; “The Rational Education Award” from the Atatürkist Societies and Associations in the USA, Europe and Turkey in 2003 and “Award for Lifetime Service to Atatürkist Thought” from the “Atatürkist Thought Society” of METU in 2006. Prof. Suna Kili has published extensively in both English and Turkish. Some of her main publications include: History of the Turkish Revolution (for which she received the Turkish Language Society’s Award, 10th edition, 2006); Turkish Constitutional Documents from Senedi İttifak to the Present (with Ş. Gözübüyük, 3rd edition, 2006); The May 27, 1960 Revolution, the Constituent Assembly, and the Constitution of 1961 (1998); Atatürk, from the Perspective of the World and Turkey (1996); Suna Kili and B. Claussen (eds.), Changing Structures of Political Power, Socialization, and Political Education (1988); Çayırhan: Social Change and Political Behavior in a Central Anatolian Village (1978); Developments in the Republican People’s Party: An Analysis from a Political Science Perspective (1976); Turkish Constitutional Developments and Debates on the Constitutions of 1924 and 1961 (1971); Kemalism (1969); Turkey: A Case Study of Political Development (1968). Prof. Suna Kili has been “visiting professor,” has taught, and presented papers at over 40 foreign universities, including: Sorbonne, London, Oxford, Durham, Kent, Rotterdam, Oslo, Vienna, Stellenbosch, Capetown, Salzburg, Uppsala, Helsinki, Berkeley and UCLA.”
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