Passeron, René: The Concise Encyclopedia of Surrealism

15,00  15,00 

1 varastossa


”Surrealism is as much an intellectual movement as an artistic one. Indeed, surrealist painting, sculpture and objects are often the physical emanation of visionary, philosophical, moral and erotic systems liberated from the constraints of reality. This brightly coloured and comprehensive survey of the creators of surrealist art places them in the context of their time and provides a biographical dictionary of the major as well as the less well-known surrealist artists and their precursors. Numerous reproductions of their paintings, objects and graphics act as useful commentaries to the alphabetically arranged entries, which provide accurate and interesting factual information for the serious student and the casual reader alike. There is a glossary of terms and techniques used in or connected with surrealism, a bibliography, lists of the important reviews and exhibitions, a list of illustrations and an index.”


Kunto K3 (K5=Uusi, K4=Erinomainen, K3=hyvä, K2=tyydyttävä, K1=huono);

Saatavilla 1 kpl;

Painovuosi 1988;

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