Boese, Alex: Elephants on Acid – The Most Outrageous Experiments from the History of Science

7,00  7,00 

1 varastossa


”Discover a world of outrageous experiments with the Sunday Times top ten bestseller, Elephants on Acid. Guided by Alex Boese’s engaging storytelling, unearth answers to questions that have tickled your curious mind – from the unusual to the hilariously absurd. A riveting look at historical experiments that challenge conventional thinking: – If left to their own devices, would babies instinctively choose a well-balanced diet? – Discover the secret of how to sleep on planes – Which really tastes better in a blind tasting – Coke or Pepsi? – Would your dog run to fetch help if you fell down a disused mineshaft? – What would happen if you gave an elephant the largest ever single dose of LSD? Elephants on Acid humorously delves into these and more, delivering a unique blend of popular psychology and historical science – a fascinating insight into the bizarre world of scientific experiments.”


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Painovuosi 2009;

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