Aristotle: Ethics

8,00  8,00 

1 varastossa


”Aristotle (384-322 B. C.), probably the greatest teacher who ever lived, surveyed in his Ethics the ends to which conduct should be directed. The importance of this work to a modern reader lies in Aristotle’s boldness in introducing psychology into his study of human behaviour. He extended the frontiers of philosophy to include universal science, by converting ethics from a theoretical to a practical science, based on a careful observation of life and a genuine understanding of human nature. The Ethics, the substance of lectures delivered to Aristotle’s students, is lucidly translated for the Penguin Classics by J. A. K. Thomson.”


Kunto K3 (K5=Uusi, K4=Erinomainen, K3=hyvä, K2=tyydyttävä, K1=huono);

Saatavilla 1 kpl;

Painovuosi 1978;

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